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character position meaning in Hindi

character position sentence in Hindi

संप्रतीक स्थिति
character    हरफ़ नाम संकेत
position    श्रेणी अवस्थिति
1.The remainder ( modulus 23 ) indicate the check character position in the alphabet.

2.Each character position therefore corresponded to a 12 & times; 20 pixel space.

3.This added a second byte of RAM for each character position, allowing each character to have 2 colours.

4.Successive characters were staggered vertically on the ribbon, which incremented less than a full character position each time.

5.Serial attributes are used to control display features, as in Teletext, and take up one character position.

6.Lines could either occupy the full forty character positions, or be terminated early with a CR / LF sequence.

7.To print, each wheel was rotated to the correct character position, then the entire wheel was pushed forward to strike the paper.

8.Specific formats were often indicated by the number of character positions available, e . g . " 80-column card ".

9.APA gives AFP applications the freedom to create output anywhere on a page, as opposed to being limited to just line and character positions.

10.In battle, the player has the option to fight, use magic or an item, retreat, change character positions, parry, or pause.

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How to say character position in Hindi and what is the meaning of character position in Hindi? character position Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.